Registration of Medical Practitioners
Specialist Registration
The Specialist Register was established in 1998 to provide for specialist registration of registered medical practitioners qualified in various specialties. A registered medical practitioner may apply to the Medical Council for inclusion of his / her name in the Specialist Register under a particular specialty if he / she:-
has been awarded a Fellowship of Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (“HKAM”), and certified by the HKAM that he / she has completed the postgraduate medical training and has satisfied the continuing medical education requirements for the relevant specialty, or
has been certified by the HKAM that he / she has achieved a professional standard comparable to that recognised by the HKAM for the award of its fellowship and has completed the postgraduate medical training and satisfied the continuing medical education requirements comparable to those recommended by HKAM for the relevant specialty.
Currently, there are 65 specialties in the Specialist Register.
Only medical practitioners on the Specialist Register are recognised as specialists, and can use the title “specialist in a specialty”. A specialist can claim himself as a specialist only in the specialty under which he / she is included in the Specialist Register but not other specialists.